Posts Tagged ‘conversations’

Mexico, Samaria, and Some Honest Self-Reflection

September 17, 2011

Read an excerpt from the Bible study lesson on the Samaritan woman at the well.

Sisters in Ensenada

My Mexican and American sisters.

This summer once again I found myself halfway up a mountainside overlooking the beautiful Bahía Todos Santos—the Bayof All Saints—enjoying a view many Americans would pay a premium for. 

I wasn’t staying at a seaside resort, however. I was working on a dry, dusty, trash-strewn rural neighborhood situated outside Ensenada in Mexico’s Baja California. The hillside is covered with homes but not the kind most Americans could live in. Many of them are pieced together from scrap wood and tarpaper, with nothing but a thin sheet of fabric for a door. Next to these heartbreaking hovels, the 12 x 16-foot dwellings our mission teams built seem luxurious—even though they still lacked insulation and plumbing. 

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